Fall shrub planting can be done for at least another month or so depending on the weather.  The sooner that you put your plants in the ground, the sooner they will root in.  Plants need roots to establish themselves and help them pull moisture from the ground.  Fall shrub planting can be done up until the ground starts to freezes.  If you install plant material in the fall, you will not have the lush green foliage like you would have during the summer.  Most plant foliage in the fall will have started changing colors by now or have completely dropped their leaves.  When you install plant material later in the year, it is important to make sure that your plants get enough water.  Make sure that your plants are saturated with water just before the ground freezes.  This will give the plant enough moisture to make it through the winter.  Fall watering will be dramatically reduced compared to summer time.  There will be less evaporation in the fall and no warm temperatures to contend with.

Fall Shrub Planting

Fall shrub planting tips.

  • Install your plants before the ground freezes.
  • Water your plants on a regular basis up until the ground freezes.
  • Make sure to soak the soil right before the ground freezes.
  • Hold off on any pruning until after the next spring.  Make sure that you prune your plant at the proper time.
  • Make sure to add mulch or rock around your plant instead of leaving the bare dirt exposed.

Fall perennial planting usually follows the same course of action as fall shrub planting.  Most perennials will not look so good when they are installed in the fall.  If the perennials have been stored outside, they most likely have experienced a hard frost by now.  When most perennials get hit by a hard frost, they will start to wilt and discolor after a few days.  Do not prune or cut back any perennials in fall if you just planted them.  Wait until spring to remove the dead foliage.

How to plant perennial plants.