Natural stone products are great addition to any landscape project.  Edging, walls, stairs and patios can all be constructed using natural stone products.  Working with engineered or formed concrete products is easier than natural products because they are designed to fit together neatly.  Most natural stone products are irregular and require some altering to properly fit.  Some of the most common types of natural stone products are listed below:

Natural Stone Products

Types of natural stone products

Limestone- Limestone is a common product used in one form or another for many different applications.  Limestone quarries commonly supply edging, wall block and stairs.  Many other limestone products can also be purchased at these same quarries.  Most quarries offer fresh or weathered product.  Fresh product is creamy tan in color and has usually never seen the light of day until it is mined.  Weathered products may be surface cuts or products that have been in the quarry yard for several years.  These products tend to be a light grey color because of their exposure to the natural elements.

Limestone edging is a great way to border your landscape beds.  Most commonly, limestone edging is found in three or four-foot lengths.  These lengths can be cut down to size depending on your needs.  Since limestone is a natural stone product, each piece has its own unique characteristics.  Some limestone pieces may contain small crystals for added eye appeal.

Sand Stone- Sand stone is another natural stone product used in landscape projects.  Sand stone can be used for venire in projects or used in patios or walk ways.  Depending on where the product is from, you may have a broad range of colors and tones.  Most sand stone tends to be light tan to orange-brown in color.

Granite- Granite boulders make great retaining walls or pond fillers.  There are so many colors available and the great thing is that each boulder is unique in its own.  Since no two boulders are a like, you can create an eye-catching landscape that is sure to draw attention.  Granite can also be used in out-door living areas, such as counter tops for grilling areas.