Bad landscape ideas can hide the beauty of your home. If you are thinking about selling your home down the road, there are a few things that you should avoid when considering landscaping your property. One of the biggest mistakes people make when installing landscape is what we like to call the puppy effect. Puppies are cute when they are small, but they do grow up. Plants are the same way. They might look great when they come home from the nursery in a one gallon container. Years down the road they have multiplied many times over and have completely covered up your home. Doing you homework before you select plants that turn into bad landscape ideas is important. Know how big your plant will get when it is fully mature. Most plants that come from a nursery have a grow tag on them. Review the information contained on this tag to determine the height and width of the plant. A bad landscape practice is to install plants too close to doors, walkways, windows, lights and house numbers. Most any home owner will not want to cover these areas up with over grown plants. If you are unsure of the growing requirements of a plant, make sure you ask the place that you are purchasing your plant from or Google it. The problem with Googling your information is that some of the information on the web is ill-informed or just plain wrong. You will need to know the exact species of the plant that you are inquiring about. There are similar species for most plant varieties and they can have completely different growing habits.
Bad landscapes can be mitigated.
There are several ways that you can regain your landscape if it has got out of control. The most drastic way is to completely rip everything out and start over. More than likely, the mature plants in your landscape will be woody if pruned. Most of the time if this happens to your plants, they will never recover. Some plants such as lilac can be cut to the ground as they will rejuvenate on their own.
Pruning can also keep your plants in check if they are not too far along. Pruning on an annual basis will slow their spread and help maintain their growing area.