Fall flowering perennial flowers can keep your landscape looking great all the way til winter.  As with any perennial, there is a peak blooming time for each plant.  Installing a variety of spring, summer and fall blooming plants to your landscape will provide year round interest.  Some fall flowering perennials may bloom earlier in the year, but peak in the fall.  Autumn Joy Sedum is a good example of a fall flowering perennial.  The flower heads are visible all summer long but turn from a minty green color to bright pink.  Towards the end of summer the flower heads turn bright pink, lasting all fall.  Another fall flowering perennial is aster.  This perennial produces bright purple flowers in late summer and early fall.

Fall Flowering Perennial


Fall flowering perennials for your project.

  • Achillea
  • Agastache
  • Aster
  • Chrysantemum
  • Coneflowers (most varieties
  • Coreopsis
  • Daylily (most varieties)
  • False Aster
  • Helenium
  • Pinneapple Sage
  • Russian Sage
  • Sedum
  • White Snakeroot

Some of the perennials include in this list bloom all summer long all the way through fall.  With most of these perennials, the abundance of flowers fades when fall nears.  The peak blooming time for perennials such as daylily and coneflowers is mid summer.  Summer heat and drought stress may also limit fall blooms on some plants.  If you have late summer and fall bloomers, it is important to keep these plants adequately watered and fertilized.  Taking care of your perennials leading up to their peak bloom will help increase the life and abundance of the flowers.

In order to keep your plants in top shape, make sure to dead head the plants on a regular basis.  Removing old blooms or dead leaves will increase the eye appeal of the plant.  Removing old blooms and dead leaves may also encourage the emergence of more flowers in the plant.

Once annual plantings fade, you will be thankful for the color provided by fall flowering perennials.