
Purslane is a summer annual broadleaf weed.  This plant grows from a tap root and spreads by fibrous surface roots.  The leaves of this plant are green on a thick, dark pinkish red stem.  The leaves are rather thick and smooth, almost waxy in appearance.  The leaves are small, about the size of pencil eraser and have rounded leaves in the shape of tear drop.  The flower is yellow with 5 petals.  The flower if found at the tip of the stem.  This summer weed spreads by seeds which germinate in the spring or by stem fragments.




Portulaca Oleracea


Treat this plant with a selective broadleaf herbicide when the plant is actively growing.

Similar broadleaf weeds.

  • Prostrate Knotweed
  • Spotted Spurge

Click here for other Purslane identification sources.