Base material can now be set once your site is excavated and the proper depth is reached.

Setting Base Material

Paver patios or walk ways that do not have heavy equipment running over them, generally will have a base of 6″.  Drive ways will usually have a base of at least one foot, depending on the type of traffic.  We recommend installing 1 inch minus base material for the first 3 inches of base in paver patios.  We recommend installing at least 9 inches of 1 inch minus base material for the base in drive ways.  The base material that we use is made up of crushed limestone.  When referring to 1 inch minus limestone products, 1 inch minus means that there is rock 1 inch in size all the way down to dust.  The combination of different sized materials allows the product to pack tighter.  For the last 3 inches of base material we use 3/8 inch minus.  When installing base, we recommend packing your levels every inch or two.  This can be accomplished by a using a roller or vibrating packer plate.  The most important thing about base installation is compaction.  If your base material is loose, it will settle and so will your pavers.

Base Material

Leveling Base

Once your base is installed, screed your base with large level or 2 by 4.  At this time your base should be level or sloping at your desired grade.  Once your base has been screeded, give your base one last compaction before setting pavers.  Using a large level is best because you will be able to see any dips or low areas in your project.  When using a 2 by 4 make sure that your board is not warped.

Setting Pavers

There are a lot of variables when installing pavers like: what design is being made, what products are being used and application in which they are being installed.  You will have to determine how your products are being used in order to figure out where to start laying your block.  The supplier of your paver material should be able to tell you how to start laying your product.

When you start laying pavers, you will notice that some pavers may sit a little higher than others.  Pavers can be leveled with the use of a dead blow hammer.  Dead blow hammers are made up of small metal beads found in the head of the hammer.  If you use a regular hammer, you will chip or break your block.  If you use a rubber mallet, it will not have enough force to move the block and will probably bounce back at you.  Dead blow hammers will send the force directly to the block, making sure to move it into place.