This blog includes lawn mowing tips for the professional cutter and homeowner. Mowing is the art of manicuring your turf grass. Creating and maintaining a healthy lawn is done by implementing proper mowing techniques. Mowing plays such a vital part in establishing the quality of your turf grass. No matter how much fertilize or water your lawn, without proper mowing your efforts are wasted. Most people often overlook mowing as a factor in a healthy lawn. Property owners assume that if you fertilize and water your lawn as long as you cut your lawn it will grow fine, which is not the case. Proper equipment in conjunction with proper mower settings are both factors to consider when manicuring your turf. Below are a few lawn mowing tips to make grass grow stronger and healthier.
Lawn mowing tips.
- Remove only 1/3 or less of the grass blade at one given time. If you remove more that 1/3 of the grass blade in one single cutting, you will stress the plant. If you stress the grass plant, you will force it to redirect nutrients from the roots to the grass blade. If you remove too much of the grass blade, you will minimize the plants ability to make food for itself through photosynthesis.
- Mulch grass clippings instead of bagging grass clippings. This will help your lawn by producing natural fertilizer out of the trimmed portion of your grass. Recycling your grass clipping can also maintain adequate thatch levels. If you mow on a regular basis, your thatch level will usually stay at or below a 1/2 thick. Regular mowing and recycling of grass clippings will not contribute to thatch build up.
- Mowing at the proper height for your grass species and setting your mowing deck at the proper height for the season will help maintain a healthy cut. It is recommended that Kentucky bluegrass be cut at 2.5 inches during the spring and fall months and 3.5 inches during the summer. The height is determined by measuring from the dirt level to the top of the grass blade.
This list is only a few of the lawn mowing tips that can be used to increase the quality of your turf. The more that you work on giving your lawn a quality cut, the better your lawn will be.