Outdoor water features can add value and interest to your landscape areas. Making your yard an at home paradise is the best way to utilize the biggest asset that you own; your home. There are several things to consider prior to choosing a outdoor water feature for your project. Do I want a visible retained water area? Do I want a self contained unit? Do I intend to change the location of the feature at a later date and time? Does my feature have enough or too much sun exposure? All of the above questions are important to consider prior to selecting a feature.
The most versatile units are self contained decorator pieces. Most of these water features are found at your local home and garden store. They are designed for the novice do it yourselfer that wants to incorporate a water feature into their landscape. They require minimal if any maintenance and are usually set up ready to plug in to your electric source.
Moderate and advanced outdoor water features.
Moderate outdoor water features include cut stone, sculptures and metal working designs. Most of these features are not typically installed by the homeowner because they require ground excavation. These features use water stored in holding tanks such as basins to provide the water needed to run the feature. They require the installation of a pump and pipe to route water to and through the feature.
Advanced outdoor water features include pond-less waterfalls and pond waterfalls. In almost every instance these features will require significant ground excavation prior to any installation. Pond and pond-less waterfalls can be as small as a few feet to how ever big you want to go. The larger you go with the feature, the more water you will have to provide. Some larger features require huge pumps, moving thousands of gallons of water an hour. It might also be necessary to install multiple pumps to handle the water load.