Proper lawn mowing is not as easy as you think. Most property owners know how to start a lawn mower, make paths across their lawn and cut grass. Custom cutters such as Clean Cut have perfected the art of cutting grass. Professional lawn care providers offer more than just proper lawn mowing, they offer knowledge on how to get the most benefit out of cutting your grass.
Maintenance of your equipment is an important part of proper lawn mowing. You should do a quick inspection of your equipment prior to each use. Check for loose or missing parts that may contribute to the quality of your cut. Missing deck wheels may lead to scalping, flat tires or low tire may lead to scalping and gas or oil leaks may burn your lawn. It is important maintain your equipment, because if you take care of your equipment it will take care of you.
Proper lawn mowing techniques.
Mower blades should be sharpened after every three hours of operation. Keeping your mowing blades sharp, will cut your grass instead of ripping it. Balancing your mower blades is important to make sure each side of the blade is the same weight. This can be accomplished by buying a cheap pyramid level at a hardware store. Replacing bent or damaged blades will also help the quality of your lawn cutting. When replacing your mower blades, it is important to replace them the right side up. If installed up side down, they can damage your lawn.
Scraping grass build-up off of your mower deck will keep your blades working properly. This will help during the mulching process because it will allow for more movement of cut blades of grass. The cut blades of grass are thrown into the air between the blades and mower deck. The blades will be chopped multiple times before being dispersed out the side discharge chute of your mower.