Red leafed shrubs provide brilliant fall color to your landscape.  Installing the right shrubs in your landscape can give your property significant eye appeal all the way through the fall season.  Red leafed shrubs contrast evergreens well and add needed color when flowering shrubs are no longer blooming.  There are quite a few shrubs that turn red in the fall when cooler temperatures set in.  Below is a list of some of the more commonly installed red leafed shrubs used in landscape beds.

Red Leafed Shrubs

Red leafed shrubs.

Burning bush-  This is probably the most popular shrub that covers itself with red leaves in the fall.  Throughout much of the year this shrub sits idle with its dark green leaves.  There are no beautiful flowers to cover this plant, only leaves.  But in the fall, this shrub transforms into one of the most beautiful landscape pieces.  Burning bushes that are grown in full sun exposure will develop fiery red foliage in the fall.

Rhododendron-  This broadleaf evergreen displays a wide arrangement of fall colors.  From dark purple, red, orange and yellow, this shrub definitely adds eye appeal.

Cotoneaster- The small leaves of this shrub will turn red to purple in the fall.

Red leafed trees.

Maple trees- There are a lot of maple trees that boast red foliage color in the fall.  Some of the more well know varieties are: Autumn Blaze, Paper Bark Maple, and Japanese Maple.  Maple trees can also be found with yellow, orange and purple fall leaf colors.

Smoke trees-  These trees offer brilliant red to purple foliage color.  Some varieties of smoke trees are: Flame, Purpureous and Royal Purple.

Crab apple trees-  Crabapple trees not only offer beautiful spring blossoms, but some varieties display beautiful orange-red foliage color.  Varieties of Crabapple trees that have red foliage in the fall are: Adam’s, Cardinal and Indian Magic.
